Thursday, June 14, 2007

OrgPlus Express - 画组织图的Office插件

OrgPlus Express 是免费的版本,无法独立于Office运行,而是作为Office的一个插件,像添加一个插图那样在Word等软件里面启动,可以支持比较复杂的组织图的制作。


OrgPlus 7 Express is now available! [ Learn More ]

Why bother with PowerPoint and Visio, when you can use OrgPlus Express, designed exclusively for creating org charts fast, easily and free of charge.

Managers, business professionals and executive assistants will benefit from easy organizational chart creation, custom formatting, drag-and-drop editing and planning features.

OrgPlus has been the organization chart software of choice for organizations of all sizes for over a decade. Now, with OrgPlus Express, smaller organizations and departments will benefit from the power and simplicity of OrgPlus at no cost directly from their Microsoft Office applications.

Stop struggling with your org chart in PowerPoint and Visio. Compare to other products to see why OrgPlus Express is the org chart software of choice.

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